
Wendi Cross

Wendi Cross is the co-founder and director of X Hope Inc., and Redeemer House Ministries in Uganda, a non-profit ministry dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and reunification of children into forever families. Wendi and her husband, Rick, have six children, including two adopted sons, one from Africa and one through Sacramento County. They also have two daughter-in-laws and three grandchildren. Wendi visits Redeemer House Children’s Home in Uganda almost quarterly to oversee and work with the international ministries of X Hope, Inc., known as Redeemer House Ministries. 

Wendi speaks and has spoken at school assemblies, ESPN2, live radio interviews, Rotary Clubs, Bible Study groups, adoption and foster care groups, Moms groups, Chamber events, NFL holiday dinners, youth conferences, and national conferences. To book Wendi for a speaking engagement, visit www.wendicross.com or send an email to wendi@xhopemissions.org.
